Who has performed and carried this out, calling the generations from the beginning? I, the LORD the first and will be with the last I am the One!
Isaiah 41:4
On March 12, 2017, some 121 men, women and children crowded inside a small clubhouse in Stonecrest, Georgia. Filled with the spirit and giving thanks for the opportunity to worship with other saints, Stonecrest Church of Christ held it first service under the leadership of Dr. Richard L. Barclay.
Barclay said of the experience:
After an exhaustive period of praying and fasting, I have made a decision to which I sincerely feel God has led me. Throughout my career, planting a church has been a continual desire. Recent events prompted me to know that NOW is the time! The overriding reason for this move is, of course, for HIS glory.
The following Sunday, over 200 people gathered at Willie Watkins Event Center in Lithonia, Georgia. Filling the space to capacity and sensing the movement of God within this planting, members committed to serving the Lord as a congregation of believers worshipping as Stonecrest Church of Christ.
Minister Barclay identified several godly men to serve as servant leaders. These men were instrumental in establishing an infrastructure for organization and operation of the church.
Members eagerly began acts of discipleship and service. Singles, young adults, men and women’s ministries, and small cell groups were formed.
On October 7, 2018 Stonecrest held its inaugural service in its new church home, 750 Mount Carmel Road in McDonough, Georgia. An exciting new chapter had begun in which God’s providence will be revealed.
The date of January 30, 2022, will be recorded in the annals of the Stonecrest Church of Christ as a pivotal moment in the congregation’s illustrious history. This date will be long remembered as the day the church took the giant step of ordaining elders and deacons in keeping with scriptural mandates and with a focus on putting the body in a better position to do even more effective Kingdom work.